Running Dirty. Eating Clean. Loving Life.

How have you changed in the past 2 years? – August Healthy Living/Fitness Blogger Writing Challenge – Aug. 4th

Today’s August Writing Challenge from the Fitness Cheerleader asks about how I’ve changed over the last 2 years.  Honestly, I don’t think I’ve changed much.  I’m still the same old me.  With blond highlights and a body that is way better at 30 than it was at 28.  I mean seriously, my abs and arms rock.  Not that there was anything wrong with my body 2 years ago.  The scale hasn’t changed at all in that time actually.  But that time in the gym has really paid off when I look into the mirror.  So I guess I’m stronger physically than I was 2 years ago.  But I still can’t do a pull up, and it’s driving me nuts.

Oh, and I’m single.  But it’s all good.  I’m much happier this way. 🙂  And I’m back to personal training and now a certified running coach as well.  Life is good!

After my first marathon 2 years ago

After my bazillionth half marathon this June. Ok, maybe it was only my 6th or 7th.

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