Running Dirty. Eating Clean. Loving Life.

Posts tagged “track

My Fitness Mentor – November Blogging Challenge #10

This weekend was a bit nuts, and I’ve fallen way behind on the blogging.  Nothing like having to be up before 5 am for work on both Saturday and Sunday.  A normal person would look for a regular 9-5 job with weekends, holidays, and vacation time.  But I’m not a normal person, and having an actual set schedule sounds boring to me.  So Saturday morning was spent working at the YMCA, chatting with members and working on exercises plans for my regular clients.  Sunday was spent hanging out at a volleyball tryout for a club I provide athletic training services to.  Mostly I got caught up on my kindle free downloads and ate way too many donuts.  Hey, they were free.  So I’ll be spending the next few days getting caught up in between shifts at the gym, meeting with potential training clients, and freezing my butt of at high school hockey.  You wish your life were this glamorous. 

On Saturday, Lisa at She’s Losing It! wrote about her fitness mentor and wanted to know who our fitness mentor is.  Trying to think of someone who doesn’t read the blog since I don’t think anyone wants to take any credit for the craziness that’s ensued due to my love of fitness, I’m going to go with my high school track coach.  Actually, he’s probably the one to blame for a lot of my running related insanity.  He wasn’t the most sane guy himself.  He put up with a lot of crap from me during those 4 years of being a distance runner for my high school team.  Like me yelling how stupid running 8 laps around a track was, in the middle of the meet, each time I ran past the coaches area where he sat with his stop watch and clipboard, laughing and yelling out my splits.  I’m pretty sure at one meet I screamed at him that I hope I was never reincarnated as a hamster.  (more…)